At all times:
- All electronic devices to be used quietly for educational/learning purposes only
- All students to be engaged in organised activities or learning
- Follow classroom norms during lesson times
- Place bags in designated shelves
- Follow the school book hire process
- Return books and equipment to the correct places
- Maintain a respectful inside voice
Opening Hours
Day | Open | Close |
Monday | 8:00am | 4:00pm |
Tuesday | 8:00am | 2:30pm |
Wednesday | 8:00am | 4:00pm |
Thursday | 8:00am | 4:00pm |
Friday | 8:00am | 3.30pm
Students can borrow from a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and graphic novel books, which they can take home, or read here in our dedicated quiet reading spaces.

Students can expand and extend their subject knowledge and learning through a wide range of non-fiction and research books.

Students have access to individual study spaces dedicated to quiet individual reading and learning.

Students are able to access the internet, email and many other programs to plan, prepare and create amazing assessment pieces.

Students can work in small study groups to study, learn and complete assessments in our dedicated 'study group' area.

Students have access to large collaborative spaces and three MoCoW (Mobile Computers on Wheels) machines to work in large groups to collaborate on their learning.

Students have access to a wide range of board and card games including Chess, Catan, Connect 4, and more. These games provide opportunities to build positive relationships by competing with friends and teachers for rewards and prizes.

Lunch Activities
First Break: Students can enjoy collaborative learning, reading, assorted clubs, competitions and interactive learning – students should check noticeboards for further details regarding competitions and clubs.
Second Break: Dedicated to quiet individual or collaborative study/learning.
Lunch Breaks during Weeks 7-10 will be dedicated to quiet study and assessment completion ONLY – clubs, games, competitions and activities will resume at the beginning of each term.