
Students with Additional Needs


​Inclusion program - Achieving independence and milestones

Deception Bay State High School is committed to inclusive schooling practices. Inclusive schooling practices is about maximising the outcomes of all students through identification and reduction of barriers to learning. Inclusion works within the existing school environment to support students with suitable adjustments and curriculum provisions to ensure full engagement within the school community, and enabling students to work and achieve at their level. It is about setting high expectations, valuing and celebrating diversity; and employing high quality, evidence-based teaching practices focused on success for every student.

Each student's educational support needs are determined on an individual basis and may change as they mature and progress.

In Junior Secondary students identified as achieving substantially above or below year level achievement standard in one or more of their core curriculum may have an Individual Curriculum Program (ICP) for that subject.  An ICP is developed by teachers in consultation with AIMS advocate, parents/carers and the student. A student with an ICP is taught, assessed and reported according to their identified ICP year level and learning expectations for that particular subject.

In the Senior Phase of Learning all students work towards achieving the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA).

Educational supports include:

·       Case Managers who support and advocate for your student

·       Development of Personalised Learning Plan- reviewed each semester

·       ASDAN Senior Tutorial Classes

·       In-class support

·       Junior Secondary Social Skills Programs such as 'Power up' and 'Rock and Water'

·       Traineeship and Work experience programs and support 

·       Support to register with a Disability Employment Agency

·       Transition to Post-School studies and / or employment

For further information please contact:

Inclusion program 
Head of Special Education Services
Deception Bay State High School
Phone:  07 3897 2222 

Senior Flexible Learning program 

Senior Flexible Learning is an flexible Learning program that is part of Deception Bay High School. We cater for 'at risk' students who are disengaging or who have disengaged from mainstream schooling. 

We have had great success in getting students through all their subjects in order to graduate in year 12 with their Queensland Certificate of Education (Q.C.E).

The following subjects are studied at Senior Flexible Learning:

• Cert 11 in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

• Cert II in Digital Media

• Cert Il in Sport and Recreation

• Cert II in Horticulture

• Other options such as childcare, business admin, construction and automotive may also be accessible

Senior Flexible Learning​ students attend a Deception Bay SHS. We have a shortened day and have classes on a Monday - Thursday. Fridays are an opportunity for students to engage in part time work or to take part in a work placement. They are taught by a qualified teacher who is supported by a full time Teacher Aide and a full time Youth Support Coordinator. 

For more information regarding the Senior Flexible Learning program, please do not hesitate in contacting:

Rob Symons - Deputy Principal Pathways

Deception Bay State High School

Phone: (07) 3897 2222

Last reviewed 21 November 2023
Last updated 21 November 2023