What is Junior secondary?
Junior Secondary is a phase of education in state secondary schools for Years 7, 8 and 9, which helps to ensure the bridge between primary and secondary school is safe, strong and consistent for all students.
Junior Secondary will focus on age-appropriate education, and support for students' wellbeing and transitions.
Six principles have been developed to underpin Junior Secondary. Under six guiding principles, Junior Secondary will provide challenging educational offerings that engage young adolescents, while giving them a sense of belonging and support through the changes they face.
Distinct identity
Junior Secondary students will be encouraged and supported to develop their own group identity within the wider high school. This can involve dedicated school areas and events.
How will Junior secondary be different to Senior secondary?
- Year 7, 8 and 9 POD Teachers with expertise in teaching Junior curriculum
- Junior Secondary Head of Department, Year Level Leaders and Deputy Principal
- Junior Secondary Captains
- Physical Space: Designated teaching blocks and play area
- Year level parades and Junior Secondary Assembly
- Learning For Life curriculum centred around supporting students social and emotional learning as well as literacy and numeracy
- Virtue program – interschool sports alternative program designed to introduce and enhance character strengths and writing skills
Student well-being
We will meet the social and emotional needs of Junior Secondary students with a strong focus on pastoral care. For example, schools could provide a home room to support students as they adjust to new routines and greater academic demands.
How will DBSHS meet the social and emotional needs of Junior Secondary students?
- Each Year level supported by a Year Level Leader and Deputy Principal
- Establishment of POD teaching (teachers of that class meeting and analysing class data to support student wellbeing and outcomes in the classroom
- Beautification and variation of physical teaching spaces
- Learning for Life class as home groups
- Various enrichment opportunities
- SPACE Support Services: Chaplain, Pasifika liaison, Indigenous Community Education Officer, Guidance Officers, Artie and Beyond the Bronco's student engagement
Schools will be encouraged to create leadership roles for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. Dedicated teachers experienced with teaching young adolescents will lead Junior Secondary supported by the principal and administration team.
How will DBSHS create leadership roles for students in Years 7, 8 and 9?
Leadership is a skill that can be developed through involvement in a variety of activities. Activities include Junior Secondary Captains, Student Representative Council, Duke of Edinburgh, Transition Day helpers, Japanese school visit helpers; QUT campus programs, Optiminds, performing arts; Multilingual performances.
Local decision making
The needs of each school community will influence how Junior Secondary is implemented in each school.
How is DBSHS meeting the needs of our local community?
- Junior Secondary Expo Evening, Year 7 Meet and Greet, curriculum faculty events
- Parent Community involvement feedback (School Opinion Survey)
- Dedicated enquiries email rpowe63@eq.edu.au
- Join our email database upon enrolment
- Email correspondence from teachers and administration staff
- Like our Facebook page
- SMS service
- Qparents App – see our office staff to set up
- Newsletters
- Respond to our surveys
- Continued involvement in transition days
Parent and community involvement
We want parents to stay connected with their students' learning when they enter high school. Parent involvement in assemblies, special events, award ceremonies and leadership presentations will be welcomed.
How can parents and the community remain involved in students' learning?
- Attend Performing Arts and Hospitality evenings
- Attend weekly whole school parades
- Join the P&C - meeting once per month
- Keep informed by liking the official Deception Bay State High School page
- Visit our website
- Check emails
Quality teaching
Teachers working with students in the Junior Secondary years will be given the skills they need through additional professional development, so they can support young teens through these crucial early high school years.
How is DBSHS developing staff to specialise in Junior Secondary?
- Specialised JS Staff (Year 7 staff and primary school trained teachers)
- Specialist teachers
- Qualifications: Doctorate, Masters, wealth of experience to support VET subjects
- PODs: data informed behaviour plans, seating arrangements, targets and goals set by PODs, establish classroom resources
- School Technology: iPads and apps, MacBook's, Wi-Fi, classroom projectors
- Pedagogy: DBSHS Teacher Toolkit: REBOOT; Positive Education; Deeper Learning; High Impact Strategies; Dimensions of Learning; Excellence in Teaching; Differentiated Learning
- Immersion Program overseen by our Diversity HOD
- Learning for Life Program focusing on Student Wellbeing, Literacy and Numeracy
Unpacking the Positive Education Roadmap
Positive Education is a framework that helps enhance wellbeing and engagement, through the application of the PERMA(H) model and use of universal character strengths. Students will benefit from being able to apply their knowledge of Positive emotions; Engagement; Relationships; Meaning/ purpose; Accomplishment plus Health, to their everyday lives in and out of school. Positive Education is based on the field of Positive Psychology, pioneered by Dr Martin Seligman. Its focus is upon building on what is right in a person. For example, we focus on character strengths, as opposed to weaknesses, to identify our top strengths and understand how they can be used effectively.
The Positive Education RoadMap image represents how students engage with the Positive Education curriculum. Positive Education is taught as part of the Reboot curriculum that is taught in the Learning for Life Program (3 x30 minute lessons per week) and in Virtue Program (non-interschool sport participants). Students will learn self-regulation skills, apply the PERMA(H) model and understand their character strengths.
Along the way, students are supported by the school's Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework. All students need to be familiar with the rules of Safety, Respect, Cooperation and Learning, as well as the school values of Integrity, Belonging, Aspiration and Persistence. Further support is provided by our investment in Restorative Practices as a way of "making things right" when a relationship is damaged or when there is some form of wrongdoing. Positive Relationships are key to student engagement at school.
Positive Education has a strong focus within the Junior Secondary curriculum, and will equip students for the challenges that they face in Senior.
![POSITIVE EDUCATION ROADMAP[1].jpg](/ourcurriculum/JuniorSecondary/PublishingImages/curriculum/junior-secondary/POSITIVE%20EDUCATION%20ROADMAP[1].jpg)
Where to from here?
Email: enrolments@deceptionbayshs.eq.edu.au
Phone (07) 3897 2222 to book an enrolment.